What To Know About Braces

So I’m getting my braces off on the 25 woo and I’ve gathered advice for those who are getting braces, or already have them.

Before Getting Braces:

  1. Eat anything you want. You won’t be able to for a while
  2. Floss as much as you can (not that you shouldn’t when you get braces) because it takes twice as long with the wire going across your teeth and putting the floss underneath it for each tooth
  3. Be thankful your lips won’t get caught on anything whenever you close your mouth

First Few Days With Braces:

  1. It might seem really awkward with it in your mouth and you won’t know how to close your mouth properly, but after a few days you’ll get used to it
  2. Eating soft foods really helps the weird pain or soreness you feel in your mouth
  3. It’s easy to break your braces early on because your wire is thin and eating hard foods can either break your wire or take your bracket off (the part connected to your tooth)
  4. They don’t look as bad as you think they look

Other Things To Know:

  1. I know there’s a bunch of stereotypes about all the “cool/popular” people bullying or making fun of people with braces but honestly no one cares. Like literally no one cares that you get braces because 9.9/10 people especially in high school get braces so there’s nothing to make fun of
  2. Bring a toothbrush with you often because food gets stuck every time you eat
  3. Don’t be afraid of getting your braces tightened because they’re only sore for a few hours after
  4. Don’t get braces just because you think they look cool because there’s literally no point. They’re expensive and you’ll most likely want them off your teeth after like a week, plus you could break them easily

Ok that’s all I have woohoo

Comment some more advice!!


Goodbye Fantage 2008-2018

So Fantage closed last night at 12:39/12:40, 40 minutes after it was expected. The servers were so full and downtown was lagging so much. I’m glad that there was Fantage so I could make all my blogging friends!!

So I made a video about it which was fun, but I think I was logged out differently than others. Most people were given the message that they were logged out from 15 minutes of inactivity, but I was trying to get to uptown and it kept loading forever.

So people expected it to close at 12 am, June 1, but it actually closed 40 minutes later and I was able to kind of get it on film.

Here’s the video:



Bye fantage

I didn’t even know about fantage closing down until I saw Instagram posts about it but ahhhhhdfgjffkgk

It’s closing on June 1 and it’s so crazy

I was kind of expecting it though because of all the scammers, hackers, and all that.

I used to play fantage so much especially during like 2015 or 2016 in the summer and I loved it

Even though I haven’t played in months I’m still gonna miss it and the cool items I had on my millions of accounts yikes

But who wants to meet up later for nostalgia?


PS y’all this blog is dying ahhhh where are Cari and Gravy

Weird Things That Bother Me/I Don’t Like

I know I’m going to forget stuff but here are the ones I can remember right now:

  1. the word pants. ughguhu
  2. pants like these
    Image result for flared pantsImage result for flared pants
  3. some wide sleeves
  4. when people FAKE mental illnesses/make fun of it
  5. most neon colours??
  6. how leather jackets/jean jackets feel. I find them so uncomfortable
  7. spicy foods. I cant eat spicy anything

What are weird things that bother you?


youtuber/musically/vine stars trying to sing

Youtubers who try to start a career from singing/rapping just so they can, are not g o o d. I appreciate it if they’ve had a love for music for a long time before YouTube, because those are usually the most dedicated ones and sing the best. The ones who created songs just because aren’t too great… and people still like it because they like their (sometimes good) content???

What do you guys think about this?


Continue reading

Some More Great Youtubers

I watch so many Youtubers that aren’t as known so here are some more for y’all. Click on the names to go to their channel in a new tab!

Comedy Commentators

Triggered Tro


Lifestyle/Beauty Gurus

Alexa Mae

Amber Scholl

Chelsea Crockett


Gillian Bower

Jazzy Anne

Jessie Paege

Keegan Acton





Singers/Music Related

Jasmine Thompson

Peter Hollens

Ali Brustofski

Chelsea Hebert

Malinda Kathleen Reese

Meg DeAngelis Music


Samuel Ock


Games (Mostly Nintendo)

Austin John Plays




Dr. Wily











Bored Shorts TV

Brand Sins

Brian Hull



Editing Is Everything

Guy Tang

Hayes Family Vlog

Jon Solo


Lucas the Spider

Mr. Kate

Music Video Sins

Peekaboo Parrots

Stuart Edge


Some Great Meme/Other Great Videos!

I don’t know how I found these but they made my life 3 times better!! I’m putting the links in the words because some of them are surprises >:) (they open in a new tab)

Somebody Toucha my SPAGETT (Full episode)

Pixar Bloopers (they literally animated bloopers)

What are you doing in my swamp remix

Old song memed

Let it go memed


Rick roll surprise

Gaston song but check the description before watching!!

Gaston eats eggs

Gaston eats more eggs

Gaston song with mixed rhymes

Wonderful surprise 😀

I hope you watch every single one of them to fill the void in your heart



I’m just going to be talking about random things in this post so woot woot

Some things I hope to do in 2018 (or soon) are:

  • continue to have motivation for school
  • get out and do things more – not be so anti social yikes
  • actually catch every single pokemon in all my pokemon games
  • go shopping because I literally wear 3 tshirts and 4 pants??? I mean I wear uniforms so I don’t really care but when I do actually care then I’ll go shopping lolzzz
  • work on my relationship with God (I’m a Christian)
  • go to some rad places so I can get rad pictures
  • have feed goals for Instagram (white feeds are hard y’all)
  • practice my flute, 3d pen, and art more

Ok um I know that this isn’t too relevant now, but LOGAN PAUL HAS TO GO NOPE NOPE D I S R E S P E C T F U L

What’s even worse is that YouTube literally did nothing about it like it went on the trending page and was left there until he took it down himself?? And videos responding about it or posting a copy of it were taken down??? like what in tarnation youtube. They responded about it on Twitter over a week later saying that the channel violated the guidelines and that they “acted accordingly” and are looking at further consequences hmmm

AND HIS DAD ISN’T ANY BETTER he posted a video on his Instagram saying that all the haters wouldn’t do anything and everyone makes mistakes like KNOW WHEN YOUR CHILD MESSES UP PLEASE DKJALKSDFJ ESPECIALLY SOMETHING SO WRONG

Ok I’m not sure if it’s just me, but at random times I’ll want to really go to the mall and actually get my style in place because like I said I barely have clothes but then when I do go to the mall I always feel so awkward going into those clothing or trendy stores. I usually end up going to eb games and staying there for a while looking at the 3ds games and pokemon toys lolzzz

One last thing is I kind of want to get a new 3ds because I have a really old one with a small screen, but at the same time I might want to get the switch if there are any more good games coming out (mainly pokemon)

Thanks for reading this long post guys and happy 2018!!


❄ A Fairy Christmas ❄ Day 12 (Anything)  

Because this is the last post before Christmas, we’re all going to be writing about different things!


Merry Christmas Eve Eve!! Christmas is only two days away woohoo. So for this post, I’m going to be talking about some things you should do or try 2018! Even I haven’t tried all of these things but I hope to.

  • stop worrying about people’s opinion s much if it’s making you feel bad
  • try out a new hobby 
  • write a story
  • maybe adopt a pet 😀
  • make new friends
  • give more (doesn’t have to be money, it could be experiences too)
  • join a new fandom (if you don’t mind selling your soul for it)

Woohoo hope you guys have a great new year!!



I’m so ready for Christmas…how ’bout you?

Every year on Christmas Eve, I gather with my extended family and we have a nice turkey dinner and give/open gifts. Apparently it’s pretty weird that I open gifts on Christmas Eve, not Christmas but honestly doesn’t matter that much right ¯\_()_/¯

Something special I’m doing this Christmas is taking care of my friend’s rabbit. Although it doesn’t have anything to do with Christmas itself, I’m still so happy :)))

Once Christmas passes, I’m excited for everything to go on sale and get a bunch of nice stuff for a fairly cheap price
